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Peter Lyon Exhibit


In June our Vault Gallery will feature mixed media by Peter Lyon. 


Embodiment is a provocative exhibit that is meant to be both visually and intellectually stimulating featuring two-dimensional work exploring our post-modern world and societal issues at large. The artist approaches his themes with a critical and oft-times humorous viewpoint. One can expect to see a variety of different styles and genres, both painted and mixed-media.

Painterly strokes, vivid coloring and use of light are some of Peter's hallmarks. He has a knack for color and enjoys mixing on the canvas. The surfaces he chooses are often reclaimed or self-made. Oils are used sparingly and in thin layers. 


The works being displayed in this exhibit are a combination of pieces created in the last few years and new works that will be making their first public debut.

Goodbye Horses by Pete Lyon.jpg
Inelasticity of Demand by Pete Lyon..jpg

Show Dates + Artist Info

Embodiment will be on display June 7-29, 2024 in our Vault Gallery. This show is presented by The Don & Catharine Cultural Series.


There will be an opening reception on Friday, June 7 from 6pm to 8pm, where visitors can meet Peter and view his work. The opening reception is during downtown Manteo's First Friday festivities. 

Peter has been exhibited in about a dozen galleries across the East Coast and has placed or received honors in many different juried exhibits from 1994 to present. He has worked as a graphic designer for 15 years to support his painting habit.


"I am an interpreter, I hear the noise and I try to make sense of it. I have often been criticized for not developing a definitive style but I am proud of this distinction. I liken my work to that of a musician. While I may prefer certain genres or aesthetics, I choose to match the piece to the subject. My voice is secondary to the sentiment; I use styles, methods and media as tools to deliver the message. While many of my works definitely exhibit certain traits and tendencies, I prefer not to be classified into a nice, neat box." - Peter Lyon

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