Dare County Arts Council is building on its existing Power of Art program and is excited to welcome UNC Chapel Hill senior Bianca Gartner to the team as an intern to assist with the program’s development.
Bianca is spending this semester in Manteo interning at Dare County Arts Council and taking classes at the UNC Coastal Studies Institute. She has been an artist all of her life, and is helping put together the 2017-2018 artist schedule for the Power of Art program series. Bianca is also planning to lead several new Power of Art classes.

“I’m thrilled that I get to help out the community by doing what I love” said Bianca Gartner. “This program is so important and the message it sends is one of inclusion, freedom and self-expression, and I believe every human being deserves that.”
Made possible by a grant from the Outer Banks Community Foundation, the Power of Art’s objective is to give those with disabilities and difficulties with self-expression the opportunity to create and make critical decisions through unique art programs.
Dare County Arts Council is re-launching the Power of Art program and needs help from local artists and organizations. By partnering with local groups that care for individuals with special needs, Dare County Arts Council will bring supplies, assistance, and guidance for fun art projects. Dare County Arts Council is looking for artistically inclined people who are willing and able to guide craft workshops. Different events take 1-3 hours, locations vary, and donations are graciously accepted, but stipends are available if necessary.
If you are interested in leading a Power of Art workshop or learning more about the program, Dare County Arts Council is hosting a Power of Art Meet-And-Greet reception on Thursday, December 7 from 5-7pm at Mako Mikes restaurant in Kill Devil Hills. The reception will feature light refreshments and will be a fun, casual way to learn about the Power of Art program. To attend the Meet-And-Greet or sign up to lead a Power of Art workshop, please contact Dare County Arts Council Executive Director Chris Sawin at 252 473 5558 or DareArtsInfo@gmail.com.
Dare County Arts Council’s Black Opal Masquerade Ball’s lead sponsor TowneBank also supports the Power of Art program, which was designed to utilize the fundamental power of art to create new outlets for the participants’ memories, dreams and aspirations.
For more information about the Power of Art program, please call 252 473 5558 or click here.