Dare County Arts Council was proud to host former NC Poet Laureate Joseph Bathanti on the Outer Banks during the second week of March. Mr. Bathanti's residency in Dare County included a number of activities including a master class with literature and writing students at First Flight High School, a visit to Monarch Beach Club, a public reading at DCAC and a poetry writing workshop which attracted over a dozen students. Mr. Bathanti's visit was part of DCAC's Power of Art program.
The Power of Art program is an ongoing Dare County Arts Council program that brings arts instruction and arts experience to groups with limited access and individuals with limited abilities for self-expression.

The program was launched with a generous grant from the Outer Banks Community Foundation and is exclusively sponsored by TowneBank in 2017. Our Power of Art partners include Monarch Beach Club, Outer Banks Hotline, Special Needs Ability Program, GEM Adult Services and the Dare County Veterans Advisory Council.